Meteorološka stanica sa touch-screen displejem PCE-FWS 20
PCE-FWS 20 meteorološka stanica je multifunkcionalan uređaj koji se može koristiti u privatne i profesionalne svrhe. PCE-FWS 20 meri temperaturu, relativnu vlagu, brzinu vetra, smer vetra i količinu padavina. Meteorološka stanica poseduje različite alarmne funkcije za parametre koje meri. Rezultati merenja se šalju radio talasima do bazne stanice udaljene do 100 metara. (Nalazi se u zgradi CSU). Uređaj je opremljen najnovijom tehnologijom za meteorološku analizu. Preko USB porta i kabla omogućen je prenos rezultata merenja na računar radi dalje obrade i analize podataka. Podaci su arhivirani datumom i vremenom nastanka, pa se mogu koristiti dugo nakon prikupljanja. Softver za analizu podataka omogućava analizu i proveru meteoroloških promena prezentirajući podatke grafički i u dijagramima za izvršena merenja tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda.
Temperatura vazduha
Temperatura vazduha je stepen zagrejanost i meri se na 2 m iznad površine zemlje.
Pri merenju temperature vazduha kod nas koristi se Celzijusova skala od 100 stepeni kod koje je za 0 uzeta temperatura topljenja leda, a za +100 ključanje vode pri normalnom pritisku.
Temperatura vazduha sa visinom opada do troposfere, a zatim se neznatno menja. Ponekad, u nekim slojevima, temperatura sa visinom raste (inverzija) ili se ne menja (izotermija).
Atmosferski pritisak
Atmosferski pritisak je sila koja deluje na jedinicu horizontalne površine. Atmosferski pritisak se najčešće izražava u milimetrima (mm) ili milibarima (mb). Standarni (normalni) pritisak je 760 mm, na 45 stepeni severne geografske širine na nivou mora i odgovara 1013,27 mb. Vazdušni pritisak opada sa visinom i to u prizemnom sloju brže, a na većim visinama sporije.
Vlažnost vazduha
Postoje apsolutna i relativna vlaznost vazduha.
*Apsolutna vlaga je količina vodene pare koja se nalazi u 1 m kubnom vazduha izražena u gramima.
*Relativna vlažnost je odnos količine vodene pare koja se trenutno nalazi u vazduhu i maksimalne količine vodene pare koju bi vazduh mogao da primi i izrazava se u procentima. U suvom vazduhu ona iznosi 0%, a u zasicenom 100%. Relativna vlažnost pokazuje stepen zasićenosti vazduha vodenom parom.
Kretanje vazduha u priblizno horizontalnom pravcu naziva se vetar. Vetar kao linearnu velicinu karakterisu pravac i brzina. Pravac vetra se određuje prema strani sveta odakle duva i označava se stepenima . Brzina vetra se izrazava u metrima u sekundi (m/s) ili kilometrima na čas (km/h). Prizemni vetar se meri pomoću anemometara i električnih vetrokaza, a visina vetra pomoću pilot-balona i radio sondi.
Čestice vode koje padaju iz oblaka na zemljinu površinu su atmosferske padavine. Izražavaju se u mm/m2.Padavine se dele na čvrste, tečne i mešovite, a najčešće se sreću kao:
• niske padavine: rosa, rosulja, slana, inje i poledica,
• visoke padavine: kiša, ledena kiša, sneg, susnežica, zrnasti sneg, ljutina, krupa, i grad.
Funkcije meteorološke stanice PCE-FWS 20:
Unutrašnja i spoljašnja temperatura u Celzijusima ili Farenhajtima
Unutrašnja i spoljašnja relativna vlaga
Prikazuje atmosferski pritisak u Pa i u mbar
Prikazuje količinu padavina u mm ili inčima
Meri i apsolutni i relativni atmosferski pritisak
Prikazuje količinu padavina na svaki sat, 24 sata, 1 nedelju, 1 mesec ili poslednji put kada je postavljena na nulu.
Meri brzinu vetra u mph, km/h, m/s, u čvorovima ili Beaufort-ima
Prikazuje smer vetra
Daje vremensku prognozu, upozorenje na oluju
Beleži minimalne i maksimalne vrednosti
Pokazuje funkcije uštede energije
Memoriše kompletnih 4080 meteoroloških parametara (5-240 min podesiv interval snimanja)
Touch Screen Weather Station PCE-FWS 20
PCE-FWS 20 Weather Station is a multifunctional device which can be used for both private and professional purposes. PCE-FWS 20 can measure temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall. The weather station has different alarm functions for the parameters it measures. The meteorological data are sent by radio-waves to the Base Station which is set at the distance up to 100 meters (It is located inside the Center for Competence Improvement). The device is equipped with the latest technology used in meteorological analysis. The USB port and the cable allow transmission of the data from the device to a computer for further processing and analysis. The data are filed according to the date and the time of their collection so that they can be used for a long time after being compiled. The software for data analysis enables you to analyze and check meteorological fluctuations by presenting the data in graphs and diagrams for measurements that were carried out during a longer period of time.
Air temperature
Air temperature is the degree of air warmth and it is measured at 2 m above the Earth’s surface. In Serbia, the Celsius scale is used for temperature measurements, a scale of 100 degrees which fixes its null point at the freezing point of water, whereas +100 is defined as the boiling point of water, at normal pressure.
Temperature decreases as the altitude increases in the troposphere, and then it slightly varies. Sometimes, in some layers of the atmosphere, temperature increases as the altitude increases (inversion) or it stays constant (isothermal process).
Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted on a unit of horizontal surface. Atmospheric pressure is most often measured in millimeters (mm) or millibars (mb). The standard (normal) pressure is 760 mm at 45 degrees north at sea level and it is equivalent to 1013.27 mb. With the increase in altitude, air pressure decreases, faster at low altitudes above the sea level, whereas at higher altitudes air pressure decreases more slowly.
There are absolute and relative humidity.
*Absolute humidity is the amount of water vapor in 1 cubic meter of air expressed in grams.
*Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor currently in the air to maximum amount of water vapor air could take and is expressed as a percentage. Relative humidity of dry air is 0%, whereas of saturated air 100%. Relative humidity shows the degree of air saturation with water vapor.
The movement of air in an approximately horizontal direction is called wind. Wind, as linear quantity, is characterized by direction and speed. Wind direction is determined according to the direction from which it originates and is expressed in degrees. Wind speed is expressed in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h). Low wind is measured by means of anemometers and electric wind cones, whereas the altitude data is obtained by means of pilot-balloons and radiosondes.
Water particles that fall from the clouds onto the Earth’s surface are atmospheric precipitation. They are expressed in mm/m2.
Precipitation can be divided into solid, liquid and mixed, and most commonly they have the form of:
- low precipitation: dew, drizzle, hoar frost, white frost and glaze,
- high precipitation: rain, freezing rain, snow, sleet, graupel, thin hail and hail.
The functions of the PCE-FWS 20 Weather Station:
Indoor and outdoor temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
Indoor and outdoor relative humidity
Displays atmospheric pressure in Pa and mbar
Displays precipitation in mm or inches
Measures either absolute or relative atmospheric pressure
Displays precipitation for an hour, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month or from the last time it was set to zero
Measures wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knots or Beaufort
Indicates wind direction
Provides weather forecasting, storm warnings
Records minimum and maximum values
Energy saving function
Keeps in storage a total of 4,080 meteorological parameters (5-240 min adaptable recording interval)