Pitagorina teorema
Pitagorina teorema glasi: Kvadrat dužine hipotenuze pravouglog trougla jednak je zbiru kvadrata dužina kateta istog trougla. Matematička formula Pitagorine teoreme glasi: a2+b2=c2, gde je c dužina hipotenuze pravouglog trougla , a a i b su dužine kateta tog pravouglog trougla. Pitagorina teorema je jedna od najznačajnijih matematičkih teorema. Na osnovu nje je stvoren fraktal (geometrijski lik koji se može razložiti na manje delove tako da je svaki od njih , makar približno umanjena kopija celine) koji zovemo pitagorino drvo.
Pitagorino drvo je ravanski fraktal konstruisan pomoću kvadrata. Dobio je ime po Pitagori zato što svaka trojka susednih kvadrata svojim zajedničkim temenima određuje pravougli trougao, u obliku koji se koristi. Za kraj naša pesmica sa časa koja nam pomaže da što lakše zapamtimo Pitagorinu teoremu:
„Kvadrat nad hipotenuzom to zna svako dete jednak je zbiru kvadrata nad obe katete“. Nušić (biografija).
Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean theorem states: the sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse the right triangle. Mathematical formula of the Pythagorean theorem is: a2+b2=c2, where c is the length of hypotenuse of the right triangle, while a and b are lengths of legs of that right triangle. Pythagorean theorem is one of the most important mathematical theorems. It was a foundation for fractal (geometric shape that can be divided into smaller pieces in such a way that each piece is a smaller copy of the whole unit) called a Pythagoras tree.
The Pythagoras tree is a plane fractal constructed from squares. It was named after the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras because each triple of touching squares encloses a right triangle.
For the end, there is a poem by Nušić in his Biography that helps us remember Pythagorean theorem easily. There is a similar one in English: “Hypotenuse side squared equals the sum of the other two sides squared. In a right-angled triangle, the truth is right there”. Godfrey Morris, 1982, Jamaica