„U šahu, kao i u životu primećujemo svoje greške tek onda kada se drugi njima koriste“
Istorija šaha
Pouzdanih podataka o postanku šaha nema. Pretpostavlja se da je nastao pre više od 2000 godina. U V veku u Indiji se razvija nova vrsta vojne igre na drvenoj ploči pod imenom „čatarunga“ (što znači četverodeoni). Kao daleki predak današnjeg šaha čatarunga je bila igra koja je održavala sastav i poredak tadašnje indijske vojske koju su sačinjavala četiri roda: pešadija, konjica, slonovi i borna kola, a u sredini su se nalazili radža (kralj) i njegov savetnik mantrin (današnja kraljica ili dama). Kretanje figura određivalo se bacanjem kocke.
Pravila igre u šahu
Šah se igra na kvadratnoj ploči (tabli) koja se naziva šahovska tabla (ploča). Tabla je podeljena na 8 kolona i 8 redova polja, dakle sadrži 64 polja koja su naizmenično crne i bele boje. Svaki igrač počinje igru sa 16 figura. Figure su: kralj, kraljica (ili dama), top (ili kula) — 2 komada, skakač (ili konj) — 2 komada, lovac (ili laufer) (2 komada), pešak (ili pion) — 8 komada. Jedan igrač igra belim, a drugi crnim figurama, naizmenično pomerajući svoje figure, pri čemu beli ima prednost prvog poteza. Cilj igre je dovesti protivnika u šah-mat (šah-mat znači mrtav kralj) situaciju. Šah-mat je situacija kada je kralj napadnut i ne postoji način da se zaštiti od napada ili da se pomeri na nenapadnuto polje. U slučaju šah-mata (kraće mat), partija se završava, a pobednik je igrač koji je matirao suparnika. Osim mata, kad je pobednik poznat, partija može da rezultira i remijem ili pat pozicijom – tada je rezultat nerešen. Pat je situacija kada je jedan od igrača na potezu, ali ne može da pomeri ni jednu svoju figuru. Remi je situacija kada nijedan igrač ne može dati mat drugom igraču, uglavnom usled nedostatka figura ili kada oba igrača procene da ne mogu nadigrati svog protivnika, tada dogovorno zaključuju remi, i to se zapisuje ½:½, tj. poen se deli. Šahovski turniri organizuju po kružnom sistemu (Soneborn-Berger – često se nazivaju samo Berger), zatim po švajcarskom, ševeninškom i nokaut sistemu.
ZANIMLjIVOSTI:Beli igrač ima na raspolaganju 20 prvih poteza ( 20 sa pijunom, 4 sa vitezom ). Svaki igrač ima na raspolaganju 400 poteza nakon odigranog prvog. Nakon odigranog drugog 72 084 poteza, posle trećeg ima čak više od 9 miliona poteza, a posle četvrtog preko 288 biliona.
Šah klub Šabac postoji još iz davne 1905. godine, a osnovao ga je dr Avram Josif Vinaver. Te davne 1905. godine odigran je i prvi zvanični meč između beogradskog i šabačkog šah kluba. U biblioteci grada Beograda postoje podaci da su se u šabačkoj nahiji još pre Prvog srpskog ustanka „pomerala neka čudna drvca“.
“In chess, just as in life, we notice our own mistakes only when others start using them against us.”
The History of Chess
There are no reliable data on the history of chess. It is assumed that it originated more than 2000 years ago. In the fifth century in India, a new kind of strategy game started developing, the one on a wooden board named “chaturanga” (meaning “having four limbs or parts”). As a distant ancestor of today’s chess, chaturanga was a game referring to four divisions of an army, namely elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry, while in the middle were Raja (king) and his counsellor or mantri (today’s queen). Movement of figures was determined by throwing dice.
Chess rules
Chess is played on the chess board, a square board of eight rows called ranks and denoted with numbers, and eight columns called files and denoted with letters. The colour of the 64 squared alternate and are referred to as light and dark squares. Each player begins the game with 16 pieces. They are: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. One player plays with white, the other one with black pieces, interchangeably moving his pieces. The player with the white pieces always moves first. The objective is to checkmate the opponent’s king (check-mate means the dead king). Check-mate is a situation when the king is attacked and when there is no way to be protected from the attack or moved to the protected field. In the event of the check-mate, the game ends, and the winner is the player who checkmated the opponent. Besides the case when the winner is known, there are several ways the game can end in a draw. Stalemate is a situation when the player whose turn it is to move has no legal move and is not in check. Draw by agreement or insufficient material is a situation when neither player has a theoretical possibility to checkmate the opponent, and agree to end the game in a draw, in which case the point is divided and ½:½ is written as a score. Check tournaments are mainly organized in round-robin style (the Sonneborn–Berger score or the Neustadtl score), Swiss system style, single-elimination style or knock-out style.
INTERESTING FACTS: The white player has the first 20 moves at his disposal (20 with a pawn, 4 with a knight). Each player has 400 possible moves after the first move was played. After the second move, there are 72 084 possible moves, after third there are more than 9 million possible moves, while after the fourth there are 288 billion possible moves.
Chess club Šabac exists from 1905, and it was founded by Avram Josif Vinaver, MD. Back in 1905, the first official match was played between Belgrade and Šabac chess clubs. In the library of the City of Belgrade there are data that in Šabac nahiyah, long before the First Serbian Uprising, “some strange pieces of wood were moved”.